Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rainy Days are here again

Yes it is raining again. What a boring day? Just me and Anna and of course little T. Let me pause a minute as I read to Miss Anna and as the rain comes poring down and Isabelle thinks the rain and thunder are out to get her....

No nap times here. Every time we start to close our eyes, little T starts her quest to find the thunder man. She is fixing to meet the "waterman". A water bottle that she gets squirted with, when she misbehaves.

There are so many things I need to be doing, other than posting a blog or watching DVR movies. Things like a load of laundry, cleaning the house, preparing for Anna's birthday next weekend. So many things, but I just feel like sitting here, listening to the rain (and little T) and feeling baby brother move everywhere in my tummy, as I post my thoughts for the day.

I can't wait to meet him. I wonder how he will be. His actions, looks, behavior. We have 77 days until he arrives and we are not prepared for him at all. No name, yet either. Still not sure where Anna will sleep. Are we ready to move her upstairs? Are we ready to take down the pink and purple butterflies and put up little trucks and trains? Decisions, decisions. Something that I am not good at by myself.

We are ready, however, to start fixing the upstairs bedrooms up. When we moved in it was hard enough to decorate the living room, more less the rest of the house. In fact, and I am somewhat embarrassed to say that until a few weeks ago, we just got our bedroom decorated. We have lived here for 5 years. I'll be posting before and after pictures soon. I'm still waiting on one more piece of furniture.

We are going to repaint two rooms as well. The breakfast room and the master bath. When we built the house, picking colors out for the rooms were exhausting for me. In fact, as I got to the rooms upstairs I just said off white everywhere. It is like a blank canvas up there.

I wonder what Anna would like. Is she old enough to tell me what color she wants the walls to be? To her right now everything is green. She know what a color is, like red, purple, green, yellow or (wellow). But if you ask her what color is this she will say green every time.

Can you tell how board I am? Plus I'm missing my husband terribly, but thanking God he was able to get away from the trucking business for a few days. He works so hard and worries about the business so much that he rarely takes time for himself. Even the Saturday he is suppose to be off, he shows up to make sure things are going like they should be.

Anna and I had an invitation to take a trip to Hot Springs with Mimi and Pawpaw, but we decided to stay at home and play toys and read a lot of books. She really loves to be read to. I enjoy it as well, plus it is good for little brother. I needed the rest, a day off my feet and the stress of work. So I guess I should thank God for the rain today.

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