Wednesday, October 27, 2010

5 lil punkins sittin' on a gate...

Anna has learned so much since she started school this August and we would love to tell Mrs. Shanna and Mrs. Denise Thanks, so much!

Anna came home from school yesterday singing this song. I got it on video and this is her version. I asked Mrs. Shanna this morning how it went and these are the words...

5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate the 1st one said oh my it's getting late, the 2nd one said there are witches in the air, and the 3rd one said well we don't care, the 4th one said I'm ready for some fun and the 5th one said lets run, run, run.

Ohh with the wind and out with lights and 5 little pumpkins rolled out of site.

Click play to watch Anna's version...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wish I knew what I was doing...

I'm sure just like the rest of my post this will not make sense, but who cares. I have a post ready to go, but I want to add a video to it. I've done it in the past and I did it the same way, last night and again this morning. It will not upload.

I even loaded it to YouTube, thinking I could post the think to the video, nope it doesn't work either. I'm a little frustrated right now, because I can't figure it out. If anyone actually reads this blog and knows what I'm talking about, please let me know.

I'm sure it is some setting somewhere that I don't have checked or I need to unchecked.

As for us, Chad is totally disappointed that the Cowboys totally stink right now and Tony Romo is injured and out for the rest of the season. We just may never watch football again....

Anna is participating in Drug Free week this week at school. They are suppose to dress up everyday, but today she just wanted to wear her ribbon. She asked me several questions about drugs last night. Where do you get them? What do they look like? Why are the bad?

I'm sure I didn't do a very good job explaining her questions so she will understand I will continue to enforce how important it is to ALWAYS be Drug Free.

Anna is also going through this fit stage again. I was sure that she was over the outburst of anger and throwing things when she didn't get her way. I was wrong and so again we hope that this stage will pass and soon. I hate getting angry at her.

Collin is just his little care free self. He runs everywhere and will repeat anything. I mean anything. He was so funny this morning when he got to moms. He had to get down and go check on the tractor in the backyard.

And as for me, well I'm just here. Starting to get a little photography business. I haven't felt the best in about two weeks. I'm moody and things just get under my skin lately. I went through this before and the doctor changed my medicine and now he is changing it again. I sure hope this works. I'm tired of feeling so crabby. I think that is why I lose it with Anna when she melts down.

Wow! Thanks for letting me vent. I know I'm so strange.

Friday, October 22, 2010

A little post about Collin.

It seems since I started this back all my post have been about Anna. So here is a post just about Collin. Look at this face, can you tell we had spaghetti last night. He loves spaghetti, but he loves any kind of food. He really loves fried potatoes and pinto beans. YUM!

Collin's vocabulary has really taken off this past week or so. He has been talking for sometime now, but if you say Collin can you say chicken. He will say chicken. He repeats EVERYTHING!! It is so funny.

Yesterday morning, I was getting him up and Isabelle was barking and I of course said shut up T and what did Collin say, Shut up T. Now I'm not very proud of the work Shut up coming out of my 15 almost 16 month old mouth, but what can I say.

He loves outside and loves to get dirty. He loves tractors, trucks, and any pair of car keys he can find. He loves chocolate milk and has a temper that can only be explain in person.

He had this cute little crawfish dance that he did on his own that was so funny, I think I have missed him doing it on video, because I couldn't find the dvds I needed for my camera. I hope to get it today, we will try again.

He loves his pacifier and his blanket. The tag on this blanket is just about gone, Lord help us.

He will go to sleep on his own if you lay him in his bed, but last night he let me rock him and it was so nice to hold my baby again and give him sweet kisses.

I love you Collin Brooks Weatherly!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taco Salad and Boss's Day

Friday was actually Boss's Day, but Anthony Timberlands celebrated it Tuesday. We decided to treat our bosses to a lunch of Taco Salad, cheese dip and all the toppings. Everyone said it was really good, but since I did most of the cooking, it didn't taste to good to me. I think I had just smelt taco meat for too long.

I cooked 7 pounds of taco meat Monday night and then warmed it Tuesday morning and then put it the crock pot at my office until lunch. Hmmm...think that is a bit to long for me.

I've made this salad 3 or 4 times and it is always a big hit. Here is the recipe.

2-3 lbs of hamburger meat, cooked and drained
2 pkgs of taco seasoning (add to meat, add water and cook just like tacos)
1 head of lettuce, shredded
1 bell pepper, finely chopped
1 purple onion, finely chopped
1 large tomato, finely chopped
1pkg of taco strips, (can be found near the croutons in the salad section)
1 bottle of Catalina dressing

1st layer taco meat
2nd layer bell pepper and onion
3rd layer lettuce and tomato
4th layer taco strips

Add Catalina dressing and toss until all combined.

We ate it plain or in a soft taco shell.

Try it sometime.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Weekend!

The weekend started with a huge win for the Bearden Bears. Anna and I made it home from the game and got a good night rest while Chad started the weekend by going deer hunting at the camp.

The kids and I decided to go down and visit Saturday evening and grill a great and yummy steak. It was so relaxing and Chad took Anna deer hunting with him. Kenli and GG went too and they all hunted in pawpaw's condo stand. It is a huge stand that 4 to 6 people can hunt in. Anna had a great time and they saw several deer, just none that were shooters.

We had lunch at Kelli's on Sunday and visited with my Aunt Donna and Uncle Ricky.

The kids were exhausted and i think I am as well.

The End!!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Homecoming Day 4 and 5

Yesterday was super busy so I didn't get a chance to post. So here is Anna on Day 4 for Tacky day. She didn't really go all out. I guess her hair was probably the tackiest.

Day 5 is dress in black and white day. She didn't want to so she wanted to wear this. I love this shirt on her, makes her look so happy. Well she is pretty happy.

Today we are having a retirement party for Chad's aunt Cherynelle. I can't wait we are going to have a yummy lunch.

I'm taking pictures of the homecoming royalty and the parade and the game tonight so my plate will be pretty busy today.

Here are a few pictures, next week we will have to focus on Collin. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homecoming Day 3!

Wear your favorite Jersey Day!
Chad brought Anna this pink Romo Dallas Cowboy Jersey home from the ballgame last weekend when they went to watch the Razorbacks play Texas A&M. 
 Go Cowboys! I mean Bears!!!!

Why you should never cut your baby boy's hair?

This is Collin. He is 15 months and 2 weeks old and he has a few things he needs to get off his chest.

When mommy says here Collin hold the comb and she starts to move toward your head with a foreign object, scream very loud. It will save you a lot of ahh poor baby who cut your hair in the future.

I use to look like this....

Then my mommy cut my hair and now I look like this...
What was she thinking?

I am still cute.... but I hope she takes me to a barber next time or my paw paw.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homecoming, Day 2!

Today is Dress your Best day because it was also picture day. I thought Anna looked really cute and we practiced different smiles. When I picked her up this afternoon  I asked her how she smiled and well lets just say it was not one of the ones we practiced.

Smile Anna, take 1.

Smile Anna, Take 2

How bout this pose, mom? K Anna, say cheese

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bearden Bears Homecoming Week!

This week it is homecoming at Anna's school aka my Alma Mata. Everyday they dress up. Here is the schedule for homecoming week.
Today          pajama day
Tuesday      dress your best day aka picture day
Wednesday jersey day
Thursday     tacky day
Friday         black and white day

Here are some pictures of Anna sporting her jams.

say cheese hamburger

side view, gotta see the poodle

funny face

The Mouse & the Ketchup packet

The mouse has attacked the ketchup packets in my closed console of my car!!! I don't know how it got in there, but Friday morning when I went to get my chap stick out. I smelled ketchup. I just thought one of the packets has exploded.

It exploded all right. By the teeth of a mouse or possible mice. Who knows at this point?

Here is a picture.

So with this in mind, I've completely cleaned out my console. No more candy, ketchup, or bubble gum. My car is rid of all types or left over products of food. It is clean, except for.... Are you ready for this?

Rat Bait. Yes, I went to Parts Center, got a package of Rat Bait, put on rubber gloves, and very carefully placed 1/4 bar under my seat, 1/4 bar under my back seat, 1/4 bar in my console, and 1/4 bar on the hood of my car by my windshield.

On Saturday morning, I went outside with gloves on and discovered the bar on the hood was shoved down toward the motor and it was 1/2 eaten. There was mp (mouse poop) and the hood and their was no evidence of a mouse inside my car.

Yes, I think I got the little joker.  I checked again yesterday morning and again this morning. Still no sign of mp in my car or bites taken out of bait. I sure hope he is gone!

PS I had a long talk with Anna about how dangerous this bait was. I will remove it in about a week!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where oh Where, Could that lil' Mouse Be?

Yes that is the question around my house car. Believe it or not, but there is a mouse somewhere in my car. I don't hear him or see him (or her), I just see evidence that she or he has been there. I have taken all the junk out of the car, including the car seats and vacuumed every inch possible.

There was a pile of Cheerios that I believe some little person spilled and I'm sure that is what lured the mouse inside my car. But as of this moment there is NOTHING to eat in my car so why does it keep coming in and pooping in Collin's car seat.

I looked in the motor to see if there was a stash of deer corn, dog food, or Cheerios and there was none of the above. One year when i had my gray Honda accord the guys at the shop were changing the oil and told Chad to come and take a look. My air filter was full of deer corn, from our feeder in the back yard.

Well we don't have any deer corn in the back yard, but we do have dog food. I'm not really sure how to handle this situation.

My two biggest fears!

1. The mouse will magically appear on the dashboard and I will freak and wreak.
2. The mouse will pop out of the air condition vent while chad is driving my boss and his wife to the Razorback game this weekend in Dallas.

I can see it now....

Chad says, so Mrs. Anthony do you enjoy watching football and the Razorbacks? Mrs. Anthony replies why yes I actually do then in a blink of the eye out pops the mouse as if he says Cheese. There are screams throughout the Sequoia and everyone begins to panic.

Months later...Front page story of the Showtime (company newsletter). John Ed Anthony, owner along with his wife, and Executive Vice President Rick Green escaped a close encounter when a mouse popped out of the air vent of the vehicle they were riding in startling the driver and causing panic throughout the vehicle.

The 2010 Sequoia is owned by the executive assistant to the president, India Weatherly.

Oh the shame...

I'll report more on this situation tomorrow! Hopefully post some kind of pictures!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just another Manic Monday

Monday's seem to come and go around here about like Collin's pacifiers. This Monday was very exhausting for all of us. Chad's brother was sick so Chad had to work @ Parts Center plus everywhere else. It is the beginning of closing week for me which means all the accountants wanted their information yesterday.

Mimi watches Collin for me on Mondays to help give my mom a break. I think she really enjoys it. She also gets my house in tip top shape. I love coming home to a clean house and all the lamps are on. It really gives it a homey feeling.

We are into Scentsy. If you never heard of it, you need to get one. It is a wax that melts in a dish and smells wonderful. It comes in all fragrances. Right now I have Cinnamon and Clove, which really puts you in the fall mood.

Facebook has now become my enemy. I mean I still get on there some, but I am going to try my best to stay away. It can be so negative and disappointing.

We had chili tonight and you had your choice, chili, chili Frito pie, chili dogs, or nothing. Anna chose the nothing and had a grilled cheese instead. Collin had two wieners and the rest of us ate some of all it was really good.

I'm pretty tired and I think I'll turn it. I sure hope my post become more interesting.

Oh yeah! Today Anna had mini corn dogs in the lunch room. I was trying to explain to her that if she opened the corn bread there would be a wiener inside and she would love it. She got it confused with the pancake on a stick and kept telling me that you have to put syrup on it.

she didn't eat the mini corn dogs, she ate the beans instead. Tomorrow they are having pancakes on a stick she will be confused for sure.

Anna before school one morning last week, she thought she was cool! Peace Mama!
Every night we have been working on writing our letters. She is doing a great job and enjoys bedtime. I enjoy the routine. It makes for a nice evening. blog in under much need construction, please bare with me as changes may occur.

Weekend Wonders!

This weekend was very uneventful, but like I said before, I would try my best to blog everyday. So here it goes exciting or boring, its all gotta start somewhere.

Right now I'm hearing the most precious little boy say MOMMMA. He likes to hold out the middle part and right now he is pooping and saying shew! i'll be back in a few...

ok now where was I, oh yeah the weekend. Saturday the kids and I played outside a lot, cleaned the house a lot, and the kids took a nap, I edited the first group of peewee football pictures and got them ready to order, ate at Mimi's and then took the kids to the park, and then Chad and I went to Mr. Robert Abbott's 75th birthday party.

Wheeew! That was a lot. Right now I'm getting ready to review some engagement ideas because JASON and HOLLY are on there way here for their engagement shoot. I'm praying the wind settles down. I'll save this post and hopefully add some pictures to it this evening.

It was a lot of fun and I have a ton of pictures of the happy couple! Congrats to both of ya'll.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

1 Vacation Day Down 3 to Go!

As of Thursday I had 4 vacation days left that I have to take before December. It always seems to amaze me that even if we have earned our vacation days, the company always seems to still dictate when you can use them.

After I started working, the office staff received a memo that basically said you can NOT take off during closing week, unless it was an emergency. Ok well that now left only 3 weeks out of the month that you could take off.

Now we received a memo that says if you have vacation you need to take it as soon as you can because being off in the ending months of November and December would be nearly impossible because we are so short staff.

So that left me with 4 days, and I used 1 yesterday.  Anna Grace was out of school because of a teacher workshop and so what better day to use a vacation day.

It was pretty busy but relaxed the same. We slept in well it wasn't 5:00 when I got up. ha! Then we cleaned the kitchen then headed to El Dorado to get the oil changed in my car. We took Mimi with us and we went and ate lunch where the kids were very, very good. Then we headed over to get the oil changed in my car only to find out it didn't need it.

It seems the last time (which was the first time) I had my oil changed @ Landers Toyota, that they put this new oil in that you only have to have the oil changed every 10,000 miles. Wow! that's nice but it would have been nicer if we knew that. The oil change sticker they put in my car was for every 5,000 miles, which I thought I was due.

Anyway, then we headed to Wal-Mart where it was "check" day and it looked like Christmas Time according to the parking lot. The kids were good there too and Anna got some school stuff (to help her learn to write and to use scissors). She also got a Punzel aka Rapunzel and Collin got a cool little dozer.

I had to take pictures for the Bearden PeeWee Football team and I was so excited. I guess really this is my first paying job, since I got my photography degree. Yeah! Can't wait to start looking at them. Anna is wanting to play Max and Ruby on the computer so I guess I need to do the laundry and house work first. :(

We are all battling snotty noses and sore throats, I guess it is the change of the weather, but it is so nice. I'm going to raise all the windows in a little while and get that fall air in my house.

Collin is saying new words everyday. He said donkey yesterday and rabbit the day before. It is so funny I will try to get it on video....more to come.
