Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rainy Days are the best when....

You can make chocolate chip cookie cake with your 3 year old.


Just snuggle up with this little huggable snuggle bug.

(this is a newborn outfit...so cute)

Rainy Days are the best! Especially when you can spend the whole day with these two precious ones.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Turn My Brown Eyes Blue

Could it be? Will it be?

How can we have a beautiful Brown Eye Beauty Queen? and.....

A handsome Blue Eye Beau

If you can't really tell, just click on the picture it should enlarge it.

I know it is a little too soon to tell just being one day shy of two weeks old and all, but look how breath taking those BLUE eyes are. Will he keep them? Who knows, but I do know he's going to be a charmer, I can already tell that for sure.

We went for our two week doctor visit yesterday. He now weighs 10 lbs and 2 oz. Still 22 inches long. He is doing great. He is a little wiggle worm and loves to cuddle up close.

Anna is doing great as well. She is adjusting and tells me she likes him and we are all friends everyday. She loves to hold him and when he cries she runs in to tell me. "Mom the baby is crying, hurry fastest."

Keep us in your prayers as we continue to adjust to the life with 2 precious gifts from God.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

I have arrived!

Here he is Mr. Collin Brooks Weatherly. Born on the 4th of July, weighing in at 9 lbs and 9 oz and is 22 inches long. He entered the world at 12:22 p.m. to meet his Big Sister Anna and his mom and dad.

On July 3rd, Chad, Anna, and I and Kelli's family all took a trip to Hot Springs. We did a lot of walking in the mall and at Lowe's and then had a wonderful meal at Cajun Boilers. Yum!

I guess it all paid off. I woke up around 4:30 with a back pain and laid there to see if there would be another contraction to follow. Around 4:45 I got up out of bed and my water broke. Wow! It was really happening. I call mom, Kelli, and Chad's mom. Chad's mom and dad came over to sit with Anna until Kelli got there.

We were not even out of Fordyce and we met Kelli coming in, man she must have drove fast. My contractions were anywhere between 3 to 5 minutes apart. We arrived in plenty of time.

I reached a 5 and received my epidural. Undoubtedly, my body doesn't accept them well. I was so excited and was feeling absolutely no pain and then when the contractions were at there worse, I felt everything. Oh my! Anna was a big help she fed me ice cubes (while I was feeling no pain).

The nurse said that some people's bodies, just don't adjust to them and their nerves get the best of them. I suppose so because in 45 minutes he had arrived. Thank you Lord!

Anna also needed to checked me out (as she says) when I got to my room. She is so sweet.

We are at home and we are all doing great. I'm sore but I feel 10 times better than I did with Anna. I could not get my blood pressure under control then and this time everything went into place.

Collin is beautiful and doing so well. Anna is doing great too. She think she can do it all herself so we are really having to watch her close. In fact, at the hospital she was sitting next to me and was holding Collin and she said no mama I do it myself, leave me alone. Please pray for all of us!

We are so thankful that Collin arrived when he did. Everyone was able to there and we are back home and enjoying our new arrival.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Visit to the Doctor

Today, Wednesday, July 1, I visited the doctor again. I knew for sure today that I would be admitted either right then or first thing in the morning. Sorry, not today!

I told the nurse that I was ready and prepared to have the baby today if he would let me. I heard her tell Dr. Ratcliff what I said and he replied with a chuckle. He checked me and I've reached a 2. I've had several contractions before reaching the doctor's office. He asked me on a level from 1 to 10 which number described how miserable I was. I replied with a 11. No sympathy here. He said well we don't want the baby to get too big. I asked what he thought too big was and he said well not much bigger than your first, which was 8 lbs 11 1/2 oz. He said I'll tell you what, if you don't come during the weekend, then come in Sunday night, I'll give you something that will help speed your labor and we will start first thing Monday morning.

I asked, was he going to be around this weekend, if I were to go on my own. He said he had no plans and just have the nurses call him, even though he is not on call.

Since leaving the doctor's office my emotions have been on edge. It doesn't take much to make me cry. I couldn't even call people with the outcome of the visit, I just sent a text instead.

I found out that one of my sisters can not be there Monday because of a workshop that she can not miss. I'm just trying to make everyone happy and things don't seem to be going my way. I feel depressed and of course hot.

I'm tired and tired of worrying when is this actually going to take place. I just knew last night that today would be the day because I took Tuesday off, well sorta, and got all my errands ran. Anna went home with Kelli aka Nonna and spent the night. Chad and I had a nice evening together despite the storm that had us sitting on pins. I had a pedicure and I got my hair cut this morning.

Everything in place, just need a baby.