Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've been listening to K-Love radio station  a lot lately. I'm not sure why, it just makes me feel good to have God around me all day, either through word or songs. This past week their topic was mostly on Resoultions.

It seems around this time of year some people begin to make resoultions. Some keep them and some do not. I'm usually fall in the second half of the do not keep them.

I always say I'm going to lose weight or do more in church or BLOG more or keep my house cleaner or save money and I never do. I always get side track and most of the time fairly quickly in the game.

K-Love suggested that instead of making a resoultion, to chose a word. Chose a word that you can use on a daily basis that will define you or the areas you want to improve (like you would if you were to make a resoultion).

At first I thought, cool idea, but what word will I chose and if you know me. I'm not a decision maker. I always just go with flow. Example, where do you want to eat lunch? Answer: doesn't matter. (when in the back of my mind I probably wanted Mexican)

So how can a NON-decision maker pick a word. But then it just was there. In my head. It was weird. My word, CLEAN.

First, I want to be CLEAN with myself. I want to know what I can do and not try to take on things that overwhelm me. I want to be the same person around everyone. Sometimes it is a lot easier to be more GOD loving around other GOD loving people than those that aren't so much.  I want those people to see me and say wow look how CLEAN for GOD she is and that is just her.

I want to be CLEAN, in my home. With two lilttle kids and working 40 hours a week, I'll will have to say, my house is not clean. I mean we don't live in filth, its just..........well cluttered. toys, laundry, toys, laundry...never ending. But I love it but still hate it! See NON-DECISION maker. I have issues I know.

Next, I want to be CLEAN, in my heart and in my mind. I want to stop and think before I speak. I want the words that come from my mouth to be CLEAN and honor GOD. I want to have a open CLEAN heart and mind with every decision I make. I want GOD to be there saying is this what I would do or say. I want to start and end my day with a prayer that says Lord take   Clean my sins away.

Next, I want to eat CLEAN. I don't want to diet, but I want to be aware of the food that goes in my mouth. I want to think twice when I go for the Snicker Bar @ 3:00 and grab the grapes instead. I'm not one of those organic eating, calorie counting people. I LOVE food and I LOVE to eat, but I just want to be more aware of the good verses the bad. I want to cook CLEAN for my family. I want to fight that feeling of just picking up the sonic or pizza because I'm tired. I want to cook them something, even if it is a hot dog or grilled cheese sandwich.

Next, I want to make CLEAN financial decisions. Just like before, buy the $1.00 pack of hot dogs and $1.00 pack of buns and $3.00 bag of chips. That's $5.00 verses $20.00 for pizza or burgers. Wow see I clean the table and I have $15.00 of CLEAN money.

I'm sure none of this makes since to anyone that reads this but me. But that is ok, because sometimes I need to write things down to stick to them. Kinda like making a list of to do things. I find when I make a list my day or project flows a lot better.

I really thought about taking pictures of the letters C.L.E.A.N and putting them up at work and home as a reminder that I need to be CLEAN.

I may just put these pictures of Collin up as a reminder to be CLEAN. Ha.Ha.Ha.

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