Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doctor Day!

Today I went to the doctor being very optimistic, since last Wednesday he said not to be such a pessimist. Anyway, I even put my bags in the car, hoping being optimistic that he would say lets just go over to the hospital and get this show on the road. I even had my mom get her bag, just in case being very opimistic.

Well guess what, I'm blogging from my favorite spot in my living room. The love seat! I just got out of a very very cool bath, soaking up the A/C and having a rather large glass of ice water. Enjoying the heat of the summer.

Come back next week he says. Ahh! I'm only at a 1 1/2, ahh, I just knew (being optimistic and all) that I was at least at a 3. See why I would rather be pessimistic instead, and not get my hopes up. But I will put a smile on my face and just say, "Well Collin needs another week to grow."

I said a prayer before the doctor came in the room that His will would be done, so be it. Lord, I hear ya.

I'm exhausted and hot! I don't think I see myself working a full day from here on out, but we will see. I did get to rest at my mom's when we returned from El Dorado and Anna went home with Nonna, so I'm enjoying and resting here in my favorite spot.

I've had several REAL contractions, but none in any kind of sequence. My blood pressure is great and I'm not really swelling, like I did with Anna and with that I am thankful. I guess I should also be thankful to have this opportunity to have carried him thus far. There are so many women and babies that never get to experience this opportunity. So Thank you Lord for this blessing. I'm just getting excited and ready to see his little face.

So many people have suggestions to get the ball rolling so to speak. Eat lots and lots of HOT Salsa, walk 2 miles, do other things that are too embarrassing to blog about. I'll just wait until, nature takes place.

So staying cool, resting, and staying cool is my plan for the next 7 days until I return to the doctor. If something happens before then, I will try to get Chad to post, if not I will send something out next week regarding the doctor.

Blessing to All!

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