Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scared to death before the morning light

This morning I was so scared. It started around 5:15, the alarm went off followed by a loud clap of thunder. That part for me really wasn't that scary, but Collin on the other hand was shaking so bad that I thought he had a high fever.

I rocked the sweet little thing until he settled down. I laid him back down and went to go get ready. By then Chad was up and about and getting ready to head out the door. He went on his daily morning check on the kids and guess what, Collin was up and Anna was up. Yeah for me I thought. This should be real interesting.

It all worked out fine and it was sweet to have the kids eating breakfast together. It was sweet holding Collin when he saw lighting or heard thunder. What was not sweet was when the hail came?

Yes, hail. It was so loud that it scared me to death. We (me and kids) were in the bathroom and I immediately shoved them in our closet and then went to try to catch Isabelle. She was running around crazy.

I have never seen it hail as much and as fast as it did this morning. Within two minutes, which felt like two hours, our yard looked liked a fresh patch of snow had just fallen.

I'm sure I scared my kids, but all I could think of was a tornado. I called Chad to tell him and that there had to be a chance of roof damage. We are hoping that is not the case.

Here are the pictures of the hail. They are not very good because I took them looking out the window.

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