Last night I discovered the "importance of blogging". Sure its fun to share pictures or cute stories, but the most important part is if you blog then you have a
Memories stored on here will last forever. Now I have read this on blog after blog from The Pioneer Woman or Kelly's Korner. They always say blog even if you have nothing to say. Blog even if it is just today I dropped the kids off at school, etc. Yeah that's not real exciting, but it told what happened and what you did that day. WOW!
So you ask why in the world would you want to know what you did on a particular day. Do you plan on doing something and you need an alibi? No silly, the reason why is what occurred to me last night. Reference paragraph 2. It takes me forever to get to a point. Sorry!
We were visiting with my sister-in-law Nikki and her little cousin Ada Beth, who is two. Now Ada Beth is the cutest little thing ever and Anna adored her curly hair. For some reason, Anna was having a hard time remembering her name was Ada Beth and she kept referring to her as Lilly.
Which made me think of when she was smaller (not that she is big now), but she had two imaginary friends. Lilly and ???, that's right I could not remember the other friends name. When I asked Anna she of course looked at me as if I had totally lost my mind.
I knew I had blogged about, there is even a picture of them on here somewhere. Finally I remembered the friend's name. It was JOY!!!! How could I forget Joy? What else will I forget about the things my kids do or I do or Chad does?
So that is it, I will make it a part of my daily routine to blog. Even if it is I just took the kids to school today!
The End