Monday, August 24, 2009

Collin's 6 week checkup

On Thursday, August 20th, my mom, Anna, and I headed back to El Dorado for Collin's 6 week check up. It was such a fun day. We took our time and just enjoyed our selves. We took Anna to McDonald's for lunch. They had a play room. At first she was very hesitant. She did not want to climb up, but she so wanted to slide down. She ate her lunch and got a little braver. She met a little boy and he showed her what to do. We couldn't keep her off of it then.

We let her play a little over an hour and then she got this yummy mini ice cream. They give them to the kids. I thought it was so cute and Anna thought it was so good. MMMMM she said.

Then we went to see Dr. Bevill. We first went and Collin was weighed and his temperature was taken. He weighed 13 lbs and 4 oz. WOW!!! Double Wow!!! We let him lay there for a minute to make sure that is was right and it was.

Anna weighed too, she weighed 38.8 lbs. She is growing up so much.

She also thought she needed to be checked out from Dr. Bevill. She laid on the table with her mouth opened. It was funny.

Collin measured 23 1/4 inches. We think that is not right but probably pretty close. He likes to keep his legs curled up. He got a good report and is in the middle of the chart when you cross his weight vs his length.

He is smiling and cooing more everyday. His face has cleared up and he is sleeping about the same as before. We love him and Anna both. It's hard to believe it has been 6 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. My how much they are growing!!! So glad that you all are doing well. Hopefully we can all get together soon when time permits.
    I have been working 7 days a week for a month and I am exausted.
    Hopefully things will settle in the next 2-3 weeks.
    Hugs to you all!
