It is hard to believe that Collin turned one month old yesterday. He has changed so much. He really is a wonderful baby. He is very active and can be hard to hold, but he has the sweetest personality, and yes still has those heart melting BLUE eyes.
I'm still working on that perfect picture of him and then a perfect picture of Anna and him as well. Now I know why photographers charge so much. HA!
Collin is doing well. Growing everyday. He is smiling and trying to coo at us. He is really content unless he has a gas bubble. We have been using Gripe Water to solve that matter when it well, "bubbles ups." He is sleeping great for a one month old. The past two nights we are going about 5 hours and then he needs to eat, burp, and of course poop. Then he is back down for another 3.
We are struggling with one factor. If anyone has any suggestions I will truly appreciate it. Just email me or leave me a comment. Collin is nursing and he took to it so well, maybe too well. I will be returning to work after he is 2 months old so he is going to have to have a bottle. He hates the bottle. I have tried about 3 times and he doesn't like it or the pacifier. My goal this week is to pump and try a bottle everyday. I got on Babycenter website for some suggestions and I will start with that. This is the complete opposite from Anna. She struggled taking the breast, but finally got the hang of it.
I'm really enjoying being at home and things are getting easier for me as I adjust to being a mom of two now. My kids are truly a blessing from God. Yesterday, I felt like Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart. I had my two wonderful children, I got to work a little bit in our "Safari" flower beds, and I made two kinds of cookies for my hard working husband. I had dinner ready and the house was clean before he got home and I really was not a bit tired. Is this what it feels like to be a stay at home mom?
Anna now has two playmates that tend to
come over live with us. She took a picture of them. Do you see them? Joy is on the right and Lily is on the left. There also seems to be a crocodile that loves to swing in Collin's baby swing.
Anna is so funny with some of things she says about Collin. I have a project I'm working on for her. I'm going to write a book of things she says about the little man. This is one project I WILL complete. I'm so bad about that. Starting something and never finishing it. Is anyone else like that, or is it just me?
I think she enjoys staying at home but she misses going to Ma maw's and Pawpaw's as well. When we go to visit she always ask for an Egg Sandwich, Cheerios's no milk, and to play in the sandbox. She has tested the waters just about everyday, but she is adjusting to not being the center of attention. I think I'm feeling a little better about that as well. At first I hurt really bad for Anna. I wanted to go beyond to make sure she did not feel left out, to make sure she had extra hugs and sugar. I think I needed it more than she did. Like I said each day we grow and become more used to a family of 4.
Enjoy the pictures and videos and may God bring blessings to your home as well.
Collin one day old in hospital
Collin first born and what Anna has to say...